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Thank you for your interest and remember to check your inbox, but while you are waiting, why not check out the other Steve Baldwin thriller books in ‘The Maghreb Trilogy’?
Reviews for Sword of Allah
Anyone who loves an intriguingly, solid plot well orchestrated thriller, this should be a novel on your reading list. Grasping my attention within the first few pages I felt swallowed into suspense…
Aaron, Goodreads
If you enjoy a tightly-plotted. well-written thriller, this is the book for you! The story grabbed me at page one and didn’t let up until the last page. The international geopolitical situation today makes this all seem real and that is so, so chilling. The line between fact and fiction is very vague. Now when I listen to the daily news, I will be expecting the most ominous of those events to appear in the next of this series. An excellent read!
Liz, Goodreads